Here's my life as of late, I take gobs of herbal sleep meds (valerian and melatonin), fall asleep, wake two hrs later, rinse, repeat. I have thought about it the past couple days, and now have one hell of a migraine. Taking pain pills from a friend, hopefully I'll get to nap before too long.
This pretty much sucks.
On a personal note, I have finally recognized something. Something that many girls long for but rarely find. I have a Rhett Butler! Now what to do... I have the tendency to be too eager, so I'll have to exercise patience. Good luck on that, right?
Trying to work on the running thing, but not getting much done with the boys here, because I feel bad not spending what time I can with them. Oh well, do what I can, when I can, right?
See ya next time,
Is there any chance you could get them to walk with you? It would be good exercise for them, too. Maybe you could all walk the dog together.