Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's been a while...

So let's see...
Not a whole lot has changed, I still sleep sporadically, at best. I was sleeping really well everytime my "man friend" (thank you Kayla Grieshop-Williams and Carrie Bradshaw LOL) would come over, because he has this wonderful calming effect on me. I can talk to him about absolutely anything, always been the case.

But alas, insomnia has reared its ugly head once again. Which tells me something:
Even when eliminating those things from my everyday that were stressful and toxic, I still have a problem. I am very close to seeing someone, because this ridiculous.

Not that I don't have stress or anxiety right now, because I have a whole heap of it, but this stuff is in the process of being handled. There is a plan in place, and that should relax me. But it ain't.

So I'll turn to getting the words swimming around in my head, out of my head and onto the screen... again.
Until next time...



  1. Wow. Hope this gets better for you and you're able to get some sleep soon.--Laura

    1. Thanks :)

      Read my next post lol... apparently I just needed to blog! Night!


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